Corona Letters #71 - The Pandemic Couple - part 3

Meet Alex and Sam.  Alex and Sam are a fictional, gender non-specific couple that have been living and working from home together (during the pandemic) for the last year.   Any similarities to real, actual couples is completely coincidental.

Sam:  Something just happened at the coffee shop.

Alex:  What?

Sam:  There was this person coming in behind me and they had on a mask, a hat, and sunglasses and I couldn't tell if they were a man, a woman, or even what race they were.

Alex:  So?

Sam:  Well, I didn't know if I should hold the door open for them or not.

Alex:  So what did you do?

Sam:  I held the door open for them.   It's a nice thing to do for anyone.

Alex:  Exactly.


Alex:  Sam?

Sam:  Yeah.

Alex:   You know how you got a vaccine because you are a front line worker, and I didn't?

Sam:  Yeah.

Alex:  Does this mean you're going to stop wearing a mask when you go out?  Could you carry the virus into our home even though you are immune?

Sam:  I'm not really sure of the answer to that so I will keep wearing the mask when I'm out to keep our home safe for you.

Alex:  Thanks.


Sam: I saw Chris at the grocery store today.

Alex:  Really?  How is she?

Sam:  I have no idea.  I said I SAW her.  I didn't actually talk to her.  There is a pandemic you know.

Alex:  (sigh) Well, how did she look?

Sam:  Not really sure with the mask and the hoodie and all that.

Alex:   How did you know it was her?

Sam:   I guess I don't know.  But, I sure miss seeing Chris so I'm gonna just go with it.

Alex:  I get that.


Alex:  You know what I'm tired of?

Sam:  What?

Alex:  Saying "It's fine" to everything.   

Sam:  What do you mean?

Alex:  You know.   When someone says, "Sorry you missed that graduation, prom, or wedding," and  I reply "It's fine." Or when people say, "I heard you couldn't attend your Uncle's funeral."  And, I just say, "It's fine."   I understand that my problems are no bigger than anyone else's right now and I really shouldn't complain.  But, NOTHING feels fine Sam.  NOTHING.

Sam:   I know.   I'm sorry, Alex.

Alex:   It's fine.


Sam:  The Wi-Fi is down!

Alex:  Damn it!   I guess we could go for a walk?

Sam:  Or do a puzzle?

Alex:  We could talk about a future trip we're going to take?

Sam:  We could cook something together?

Alex:  We could snuggle on the couch and read books!

Sam:  We could finally play that game you got me for Christmas!

Alex:  We could clean out the basement.  We could look through old albums and reminisce.  We could play with the dog.  I can't wait until we can take another trip.  Where should we go?  Paris?  Rome? Barcelona?  I'm so lucky to spend this life with you,
my love.....(silence).........Sam?   Are you even listening?  Sam?!?!?

Sam: Oh sorry.  Did you say something? The Wi-Fi came back on.


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