Corona Letters #69 - a pandemic couple
Meet Alex and Sam. Alex and Sam are a fictional, gender non-specific couple that have been living and working from home together (during the pandemic) for the last year. Any similarities to real, actual couples is completely coincidental.
Watching Netflix
Sam: What do you want to watch tonight?
Alex: I dunno
Sam: I saw an ad for a 4 hour documentary that might be interesting. It's about some Icelandic dude who is making fishing nets out of dead worms. Apparently, it's very sustainable.
Alex: That sounds like the dumbest idea ever.
Sam: What else are we gonna do?
Alex: I dunno. I guess we can watch it.
Cleaning the Basement
Alex: This would be a good chance to clean the basement.
Sam: Yeah. It would.
Alex: Maybe next weekend.
Sam: Sounds good.
Eating Dinner
Sam: Do you have to slurp your soup so loud?
Alex: Does it bother you?
Sam: Well, let's just say I'm thinking of making a soup with a lethal amount of your allergens for dinner tomorrow night.
Alex: Interesting. I always imagine killing you by putting a pillow over your face while you sleep.
Sam: Hmmm. That sounds trite.
Alex: Yeah. I'll come up with something better.
Sam: Thanks. I appeciate it.
Alex: I never knew you felt that way about my mother.
Sam: Wait. Were you listening to my therapy session?
Alex: I mean, your volume was up pretty loud. It was hard to NOT hear.
Sam: Did you hear EVERYTHING?
Alex: Yup. And may I make a couple suggestions if you really want to change your name, flee, and start a new life in Canada?
Sam: I guess.
Alex: You should change your name to "Max". I've always thought the name Max would suit you better than Sam. And, you should go to Mexico instead of Canada. You hate the cold.
Sam: Good points. Thanks!
Sam: It snowed last night.
Alex: Did it?
Sam: Yup. And it's your turn to shovel.
Alex: Is it? I'm pretty sure I did it last time.
Sam: Well, I'm not doing it.
Alex: Neither am I.
Sam: Well, it's not like we're going anywhere.
Alex. True. Do you want another cup of coffee?
Sam: Sure. Thanks.
The Dog
Alex: You know, I think I love the dog more than I love you.
Sam: Same.
Going Out
Sam: Should we go somewhere?
Alex: Where?
Sam: We could
Alex: Ok
Watching Netflix part 2
Sam: Well, I'm never going to get those four hours back.
Alex: Nope.
Sam: Geez. That guy invested 10 years on this project. Who knew that the fish would eat through the dead worm fish nets?
Alex: Me. I knew.
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