Corona Letters #55 - Sunday Musings



Halloween is the beginning of "Holiday" season, and this particular holiday had quite a bit to contend with before it was even celebrated.    The idea of kids going to strangers' houses and asking for candy during a pandemic seemed like, well, not such a great idea.   And, in the northeast, we had the bonus of snow added into the mix.   What would/could Halloween even look like?  Personally, I was dubious it could be successful.

It didn't really matter to us personally, we live on a somewhat busy street and we have never had a lot of trick-or-treaters, and our children are grown and not even living here so no one from our house would be trick-or-treating.    My neighbor and I "reverse trick-or-treated", bringing candy to the houses of the few children in the neighborhood who seemed to be as enthusiastic about Halloween as children ever are.   When it became dark my husband and I turned off our outside lights and watched the Peanuts Halloween special.   It seemed like a non-holiday.   As I scrolled through my social media though, I saw something different.  I saw people with the most creative candy-delivery system set-ups, ready to do the Halloween thing.  I saw pvc pipes coming from second story windows, and pulleys and ropes with buckets attached.  I saw lollipop fields, zip lines, and trebuchets.   I saw kids in full costume with the most creative masks.

What I really saw was the American spirit.

Not even a pandemic or a little snow can keep us down.

Today is November and that means Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and then all the December holidays will follow.   I hope we can remember that holidays don't have to look like they always did to be joyful and memorable.   

You didn't hear it here, but I'm just saying, that a trebuchet and those Thanksgiving yams you've never liked? They could partner well to add to the turkey day fun!

Just remember to wear a mask so that yams are the only thing you are spreading this holiday season!

The Election

The election is only two days away and at this point everyone has made up their mind about who they are going to vote for so let's just hope that the election is fair.   I don't think any off us has ever experienced such a contentious election and everyone is losing sleep over the fact that "the other guy" might win.

The funny thing is that I think everyone is fighting for the same thing, freedom.   Different sides have just defined freedom differently.

Some want the freedom to not wear masks.

Some want the freedom to walk down the street without the fear of being attacked by police, or anyone else for that matter.

Some want the freedom to have large parties.

Some want the freedom to make a choice about their own body.

Some want the freedom to own guns.

Some want the freedom to go to school without the fear of being shot.

Are some freedoms more important than others?  That seems to be in the eye of the beholder.  I know I have my own strong opinions on this subject, but others disagree with me.

However, I think at the end of the day all Americans fervently value freedom and if a governing body chips away at that little by little, trying to go unnoticed, eventually American will wake up and become United once more.

This I hope.  This I pray.

The Pandemic

The pandemic is not over, far from it.   We are heading into what will be a long, cold, dark winter.  The pandemic started in March when the promise of spring and being outside was tangible in the air.   Now we are heading into months of being alone and inside with it becoming increasingly difficult to meet with people and observe social distancing.

Taking care of our mental health during these coming months is going to be as important as taking care of our physical health.

Stay connected to your friends and family.

There is no shame in being depressed, but please reach out to someone if you feel like you no longer can feel any joy in this life.   The National Alliance on Mental Illness has a 24 hour helpline:  1-800-950-6264.  The relapse and overdose rate has increased by 30% since March.  

Please don't feel ashamed if you are engaging in unhealthy behaviors that you had previously "beaten".  These are such stressful times.  Give yourself the slack you deserve and know that the pandemic will end and some point and we all want you here to see that day.   You are valued. 

And on that note:  

You DO you

Screw the people who are going to judge you for whatever it is that you need to do to survive this pandemic.  And for those of you who are doing the judging, just stop it, and let people just be.

Now I'm not giving you permission to shoot heroin or drink two bottles of vodka before bed, but I think there needs to be some leeway when it comes to surviving the next few months.  There will be time to be our best selves when this is all over.

So, go ahead, 

Drink that glass of wine first thing in the morning instead of coffee.

Eat that entire pint of Ben and Jerry's.

Let your kids spend hours on their devices after they've spent hours on their devices.

Let them watch all the TV.

Wear your pajamas all day.  Wear them again tomorrow.

Eat an edible or two.

You can add your own things to the list.

No judgment here and we can work on being better people together when this is all over.

And if we can't be better people, we can build a giant yam trebuchet together and aim it at those who judge us for our demons.


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