Corona Letters #15
Dear Fellow Quarantiners,
I was going to call today's letter, "Wacky Wednesday" but then I realized it was Thursday. Yup.
I think everyone can relate to this.
I didn't blog for a couple of days because honestly, I didn't feel I had anything to add to the crazy conversation that is happening in the world right now. Everyone on the front line is putting themselves at such high risk and they are to be admired and prayed for as much as any soldier has ever been. So many people are dying, without the people they love around them. That is beyond tragic. The government, at the federal, state, and local level are making decisions every day that will impact lives around us, for better or worse.
There is so little I can add to this horrific conversation. So, if I go "radio silent" here for a couple days, most likely it's because I just don't feel like I have anything to say.
Today I have some thoughts though:
Yesterday I was reading about the increase in gun sales. This strikes fear into my heart for a couple reasons. Obviously, people are concerned that this pandemic is going to last a while and eventually people will be in need of dwindling supplies. We all know from the many post-apocalyptic movies we have seen that the people with guns will win. I know people who are taking this approach. I have no desire to have a gun in my house and if it comes to that I suppose I will "lose". All the hoarding in the world will not keep you alive if someone bursts into your house with a gun. I am aware.
Im sure we've all wondering when watching movies of this genre if we would be one of the survivors. We ask ourselves, "Would I have what it would take to survive?" In my last blog, I discussed how I would run straight into a nuclear bomb, so I'm guessing I would not make the cut in a Mad Max scenario.
There is another thing that bothers me on a deeper level about the guns. I honestly do not think we will get to stage in this pandemic where we start shooting each other. At least, I hope not. The thing is that after this is over, there will be a huge group of people out there who own guns. People who would have been willing to shoot me for my can of spaghetti-o's.
I'm going to stop myself here before I get overly political. I know there are two camps reading this. There are the "Holy Shit! The gun thing is terrifying!" and then there is the "Holy Shit! I'm going to go out and by myself a gun!" group. We all know who will survive. We've all seen the movies.
And, fwiw, I don't think I've ever seen people fighting over TP in those post-apocalyptic movies. Or Clorox wipes. For some reason, all they seem interested in is food and weapons. hmmmm.
Speaking of movies, what about those Medieval times movies? Have you ever wondered if you had lived during those times, if you would have been blessed by being royalty or living inside the castle walls? Or if you would have been a pauper living outside the walls?
Maybe it's just me.
However, I think it's pretty safe to say that pretty much anyone who is able to read this right now, is inside the castle walls.
If you have a safe place to quarantine, plenty of food in your cupboards, and the ability to procure more food if necessary, then you are inside the castle walls. You are lucky and you are blessed.
There is no need to put the drawbridge down and go outside. The people who are out there would give anything to be in your shoes so be thankful for those walls. Stay Inside! It is a privilage!
To those of you who choose to go out there, to protect the lot of us, with or without protective armor, we are forever grateful.
To those of you who are stuck outside the walls, for whatever reason, we will do what we can to help you and protect you.
And to the people with the guns, you can have my spaghetti-o's. No need to shoot. Just ask politely and they are all yours.
I'm keeping the toilet paper! :)
Take Care! Stay Connected! Stay Virus Free!
I was going to call today's letter, "Wacky Wednesday" but then I realized it was Thursday. Yup.
I think everyone can relate to this.
I didn't blog for a couple of days because honestly, I didn't feel I had anything to add to the crazy conversation that is happening in the world right now. Everyone on the front line is putting themselves at such high risk and they are to be admired and prayed for as much as any soldier has ever been. So many people are dying, without the people they love around them. That is beyond tragic. The government, at the federal, state, and local level are making decisions every day that will impact lives around us, for better or worse.
There is so little I can add to this horrific conversation. So, if I go "radio silent" here for a couple days, most likely it's because I just don't feel like I have anything to say.
Today I have some thoughts though:
Yesterday I was reading about the increase in gun sales. This strikes fear into my heart for a couple reasons. Obviously, people are concerned that this pandemic is going to last a while and eventually people will be in need of dwindling supplies. We all know from the many post-apocalyptic movies we have seen that the people with guns will win. I know people who are taking this approach. I have no desire to have a gun in my house and if it comes to that I suppose I will "lose". All the hoarding in the world will not keep you alive if someone bursts into your house with a gun. I am aware.
Im sure we've all wondering when watching movies of this genre if we would be one of the survivors. We ask ourselves, "Would I have what it would take to survive?" In my last blog, I discussed how I would run straight into a nuclear bomb, so I'm guessing I would not make the cut in a Mad Max scenario.
There is another thing that bothers me on a deeper level about the guns. I honestly do not think we will get to stage in this pandemic where we start shooting each other. At least, I hope not. The thing is that after this is over, there will be a huge group of people out there who own guns. People who would have been willing to shoot me for my can of spaghetti-o's.
I'm going to stop myself here before I get overly political. I know there are two camps reading this. There are the "Holy Shit! The gun thing is terrifying!" and then there is the "Holy Shit! I'm going to go out and by myself a gun!" group. We all know who will survive. We've all seen the movies.
And, fwiw, I don't think I've ever seen people fighting over TP in those post-apocalyptic movies. Or Clorox wipes. For some reason, all they seem interested in is food and weapons. hmmmm.
Speaking of movies, what about those Medieval times movies? Have you ever wondered if you had lived during those times, if you would have been blessed by being royalty or living inside the castle walls? Or if you would have been a pauper living outside the walls?
Maybe it's just me.
However, I think it's pretty safe to say that pretty much anyone who is able to read this right now, is inside the castle walls.
If you have a safe place to quarantine, plenty of food in your cupboards, and the ability to procure more food if necessary, then you are inside the castle walls. You are lucky and you are blessed.
There is no need to put the drawbridge down and go outside. The people who are out there would give anything to be in your shoes so be thankful for those walls. Stay Inside! It is a privilage!
To those of you who choose to go out there, to protect the lot of us, with or without protective armor, we are forever grateful.
To those of you who are stuck outside the walls, for whatever reason, we will do what we can to help you and protect you.
And to the people with the guns, you can have my spaghetti-o's. No need to shoot. Just ask politely and they are all yours.
I'm keeping the toilet paper! :)
Take Care! Stay Connected! Stay Virus Free!
This is one of the most thoughtful of your "letters" so far. The people buying guns have that fearful mindset that envisions a Mad Max style future. Let's hope that they're wrong -- previous disasters revealed people being (on the whole) very kind and helpful to each other.